Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Artwork Presentation

Alright, so I already ran out of ideas. I also discovered that you can't just post a blog and (though people assume and threaten it happens) expect people to see it or seek it out unmitigated. Henceforth I will be posting, explaining, brainstorming, etc. Since I'm still working on ideas to actually work on, I'll start by posting my already published deviantart designs and discussing them. As I get other ideas and such, I'll mix and match the content as I go.

I've been intermittenly active on for a few years now, mainly as a source for clip-art for school projects or reference photos for my own ideas, though few have come to fruition. One of the more popular themes ideas on dA is the traditional "100 Picture Ideas" where pictures of a theme or not are published. So let's start this going.

"100 Picture Ideas" Artwork will be referenced: #000 - Artwork Name

Any other ideas/brainstorms will not have numbers preceeding the subject.

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