Saturday, June 21, 2008

Want Ad: General Artist/Collaborator

I've mentioned this a few times before. I'm big on development and mock-ups, edits, etc. and weak on my own follow through. In fact, I'm willing to bet I add many more "Work In Progress" pieces than I take off.

If anybody thinks their artworking skills rival my creativity I'd love to collaborate and work with you on almost any kind of project. If you're wanting a brainstorming partner I am willing to be an idea wall (to bounce ideas off) as well as a devining rod for workups.

I'm willing to work more or less for next to nothing. The one stipulation is some credit given (especially if commercial artwork, for my own portfolio, etc). The very limited general fee for such work I've done in the past was very cheap ($25 for an organizations convention logo, theme, and set-up) or exchangable for commissions of my own ideas, etc.

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