Saturday, June 21, 2008

Want Ad: Sound-mixer, etc.

Alright, most people have heard or know something about a 'mash-up'. It's basically what DJs have been doing for years except they don't add their own strums or scratching. Basically its taking the recorded music and mixing only it create a new song or a compilation of an idea or feeling. One of the best ones I can reference if "Boulevard of Broken Songs" by a San Francisco DJ named Party Ben, which features Green Day, Oasis, Travis, Aerosmith as well as other acts.

Anyway, the point of this is to say that I am looking for a creative person proficient enough to attempt a mash-up. As I am flat broke at the moment, but may be able to scrounge up something for a completed product this has no due date, would remain the creator's property, etc.

The Idea: A combination of multiple songs that convey an ominous but active environment in the air. Specifically included tracks: "Flight of the Valkyries" and "Flying Blue Monkey Music from Wizard of Oz--Title Unknown atm". Addition possibilities include but are in no way limited to "Flight of the Bumblebee" "Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone", etc.

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