Monday, June 9, 2008

#010 - Hypnotoad: Version B (W.I.P.)

HypnoToad II

I drew this almost immediately after the first one. I went to the trouble to find a picture on the internet of decent quality to eye-ball from. This is Version B of the Hypnotoad design, the amalgamation of Michigan J. Frog & Futurama's Hypnotoad. Again, still refining before I put the completed stamp on this one.

My roommate Paul goes by "HypnoToad" or some variant of the name. I didn't like the Battletoad rendition, so I started looking for other reference. I was reminded of Toad Man from Megaman, but after a little image searching, I don't think It'd be a decent amalgamation. Reference is Warner Brother's Loony Toons.

Rights to Futurama's Matt Groening(?) & Warner Brothers where inspired.

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