Saturday, June 7, 2008

#004 - Warcraft: My Anti-Wallpaper

Warcraft Anti-Drug

Well this one was a very quick, and surprisingly popular design that took all of 15 minutes. My college roommate had just gotten into the World of Warcraft and those blasted " anti-drug" commercials had invaded out theatre previews for the first (and sadly not last) time. He and I were making up our own anti-whatnots and this is one of the ones I came up with. Funny how verbally put he gave me the finger, but after I emailed him the desktop he loved it.

My only problem with it now is that it's about to hit 1000 views on deviantart, so I need to figure out a 'special edition' or updated verion soon. Come to think of it, I myself am about to hit 1000 profile page views too. Damn, more to do. ;)

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