Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fictional Fat-loss Series

So I'm on a self-imposed diet of kinds at the moment. Basically the hardest part is just finding something worthwhile to do. Exercising is great, but it's so boring doing it alone. Wouldn't it be so much easier if dieting had an easy button?

Well on one far-flung night when we were at college me and other 'fluffy' gents somehow got on the topic of easy ways to lose weight. Mind you these are all fictionous, but they were entertaining. Well, I'm going to attempt to write them down in some justifiable fashion and maybe sketch out some of the examples. Most of them are pulled from concepts we've seen elsewhere but very few were used for the desirable dietary purpose.

As such, I will most likely stop at general concept sketches. Providing references whenever possible, but enough to generally get the idea across.

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