Saturday, June 21, 2008

Utilizing the blog-features.

Well I've since done some timkering with the blog and here's some new uses I'm applying.

I'll use the labels for any of the following genres. This way you'll know if I'm still looking for help, working on a current piece or just random blatherings.

Ideas - Blogs where I'm too busy or not in the right frame of mind to create a note or sketch off-handedly for whatever reason. More or less a placeholder I can refer back to when I have the time and initiative.

Read Me - Like this post, any of my previous logs that actually explain what's going on albiet temporarily or permanently.

Random - The catch all for anything ranging from a stupid question to intellectual humor.

Series - Only the Central Page will be tagged, but as pieces to the series are added, the links will be updated. Series include any theme work and may include multiple works in progress simultaneously.

Want Ad - This is a lable I will use when I am vastly out of my league on an idea I have. Either resources, know-how, etc.

Work In Progress - Not to be confused with 'Ideas' in that no sketch even exists. Just as the lable claims, the rough idea is in place, but I'm not entirely finished with the piece. Obviously this will be updated as I complete the work.

List will be updated as I figure out new tags.

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