Tuesday, May 27, 2008

World of Warcraft: Inside Rogue Humor

I am a [computer] techie, geek, nerd, etc. Use whichever vernacular you prefer. As such, I have played the World of Warcraft somewhat extensively. Due to a comic from their official website:

and a similar forum dedicated to it a friend showed me:

What are some other WoW jokes, humor, pranks, emotes, etc?
And I may add my own as we go, lol.
Oh and if you'd rather just see my very limited art page:

"The first Rule of Rogues is 'We do not talk about Ravenholdt'...
The second Rule of Rogues is 'We do not talk about Ravenholdt'... "

1 comment:

Skelefish said...

1. The first Rule of Rogues is 'We do not talk about Ravenholdt'...
2. The second Rule of Rogues is 'We do not talk about Ravenholdt'...
3. *cough* rogues do it from behind *cough*
4. At least once in your career, you must ninja-loot epics from a raidboss do a /gquit and hearthstone while explaining that ninjalooting is a class defining feature of rogues.
5. Looks like a party wipe? VANISH!
6. Petition GM that Vanish is broken.
7. We dont need lesser classes but they do provide entertainment.
8. If you pull add, because of moving into backstab position, it's not your fault, it's the fault of the tank who did not pulled the mob away.
9. Any weapon you can wield is a Rogue weapon.
10. Any equipment with Agility is Rogue gear.
11. When in doubt VANISH Out
13. It's not your fault if a CCed mob gets hit by your Blade Flurry. CCers should lern2sheep mobs further away.
14. Rogues don't pull aggro. Bad tanks can't keep it.
15. Inform your group beforehand if they ask you to SAP and you don't have IMP SAP. Not that it will make a difference. (90%?.. more like 60%)
16. When asked to open a huge number of lockboxes by some random numptie in Ogrimmar, you will inform him that you are unable to perform said task, as you are not lock-picking specced.
17. Rogues are not overpowered nor do they need to be nerfed in any way. All other classes just need to stop sucking.
18. Fear, IotH, Freeze, Vanish, Fear, Screwed
19. Know your "anti-classes", the paper to your rock etc.
They are by their own statements: Warlocks, Mages, Priests, Hunters, Warriors, Paladins, Shamans, Druids
Know your scissors: Sitting mages at half health and no mana
20. Running into the middle of the goblin packs in blackwing lair yelling "BANZAI! Eat my ninja death blades oh pointy eaired ones!" will very quickly lead to death by dynamite.
21. When apporaching a seemingly deserted enemy node in arathri basin, the number of shadow-melded night elf hunters camped there is directly proportional to the number of cooldowns you have used in the last 5 minutes.
22. All decent armor sets must look just like Stormshroud.
yelling "In ya face!" while backstabbing someone makes you look rather stupid.
23. If you don't like ass, roll a hunter.
24. If you do 2 or more non-crits in a row, Petition GM.
25. Trying to Vanish while has Feiry Fire will only make you look stupid.
26. Vanish only works on movement imparing spells, NOT DOTS. (sad to say i've seen a rogue try Vanishing a dot)
27. Vanish will still break snares while under Faerie Fire, though, which can be used to your advantage.
28. Don't look stupid. Rogues are meant to be cool!!!
29. When dueling its ok to blind and bandage.... sap the sit and eat bread in front of ur enemy or if ur a total butthead rogue dance in front of ur sapped target
30. It is your duty as a rogue to kill the weakest mage on the battfield.... he could be in the middle of a huge crowd of enemies and attacking him will sure mean deeath... it doesnt matter. you must kill the clothie at all cost
31. Forgetting poisons is ok at level 20. Don't do it at level 60.
32. Use the correct poison. Instant Poison I at level 60 is the wrong answer
33. If it is leather, has Stamina, Agility, + hit, crit, dodge or AP, your chances of getting it are slim if there is a Druid in the party.
34. Silly Rogue, Shadowcraft AND Wildheart are the Druid Tier 0 sets.
35. Brutality Blade is a Tank Weapon. Core Hound Tooth is an Enhancement Shaman Weapon. Perdition Blade is a Fury Spec Warrior Weapon. Get over it.
36. Hunters have priority on your toys.
37. When ganking a nub that is on a mob, stop attacking when he has a small sliver of health let and let the mob kill him. Durability loss.
38. Sapping + Gnomish Death Ray is a perfectly acceptable strategy while fighting a warrior.
when in warsong rogues dont run the flag. not because we can't but we'd all prefer the druid to be fed to the dogs.
39. when marked by a hunter don't run away like a wuss
40. always have it on master loot when ur partied with other rogues that way u've got 100% chance to always ninja what you want.
41. In decision making, the most dangerous, rutheless, dirty, wicked option is your best choice.
42. Using crip 2 is the difference between being able to kite a warrior who has hamstrung you, and being able to catch that hunter which has wing-clipped you, among others.
43. The only fair fight is one in which you have the upper hand.
44. Don't kill enemy herbalists. Follow them to each plant, sap them, and gather the herbs in front of them.
45. Wait until your rezed enemy thinks you've left to gank him again.
46. A fair fight consitst of your opponent not moving until less than 30% of health. A sweet one is where he dies from poison as you are chasing him down.
47. Dagger rogues only need 33 TPs for viability.
48. A /bye right before you ambush is not only polite it is hilarious...
49. You wont get any heals during a raid, so bandage inbetween ticks of dot dmg (only applies if you have horrible healers).
50. It's ROGUE, not rouge.
51. Thou Shalt Pwn All Newbs. In the event that all newbs have been pwnd... camp them.
52. It's our duty to tap that booty. (ninja looting)
53. Grin wickedly when you hear the wonderfull seal fate "SPLAT" sound.
54. Dont forget, that u still have 2 sec. b4 next DoT's tick, so u can quickly restealth or /vanish and put CS/Ambush/Whatever on target.
55. Dont forget to be in melee radius to make previous rule work.
56. Stealthing while eating is perfectly ok.
57. Shadowmelding while stealth is on cooldown is ok.
58. Noggen fogger sprint down from the LM to the BS while stealthed, is ok.
59. Saying /hi prior to ambushing is ok.
60. definately dont go for epics as they ruin your look and people assume that you've beaten them just becouse your purple. ("any purple rogue would do me,its not about skill")
61. If you don't have the ability to get epics, don't get jaded about it. They're just like any other peice of gear in the game. If someone beats you with an epic, you're still a loser.
62. A /bye right before you ambush is not only polite it is hilarious...
63. A macro consisting of: /mock /pity /doom /bye /cast Cheap Shot Is even funnier.
64. When you come across a flagged enemy on a carebear server, and you have killed them to the point of no honor from further kills, sapping them until the run back to Chill Wind is perfectly acceptable fun.
65. Do not feed the Drama Llama if you can not handle the backlash.
66. Slow is still slow.
67. Remember to do your shopping when you pass by the cities for your daily dose of poisons and flash powder.
68. Use blind, fadeleaf may be expensive, that is why you have herbalist friends and guildies. Abuse them. Use them.
69. When stealthing remember that...
- Dogs smell you, they don't see you.
- Bats sense you, they don't see you.
- Undead... see you? (wth..)
70. Sap'd girls don't say no. Gentlemen untested, but plausible.

Some of these are funny, some aren't and some I can't understand...