Sunday, July 13, 2008

Idea: Hulking Peep

So I have a few friends on myspace. Some of them occassionally send me or post interesting videos, pictures and the what not. You know, the normal everyday spam of social networks. Not that it's annoying, when used in moderation I enjoy it, but some of them are forever burned into the insides of your retina and haunt you even today when you're alone in your room, late at night...

ANYWAY... One such picture was sent to me around Easter time. It was a link to a youtube video of a microwaved peep. Call me what you will, but I've never cared for the little guys. They're cutish I guess, but the colored sugar marshmallows never held a place in my Easters, and almost as rare in my stomach (maybe 3 in my lifetime). Getting back to the video, the peeps grew and expanded keeping a very bloated and rough definition of it's original form. So the idea is this: Green humanoid shaped one, swelling to the Hulk.

Ok, so the build up was more than the idea, but I'm reaching here folks. Expect a hiatus coming as I am moving around the first.

**UPDATE** (7/15/2008)
Per a friend's recommendation, the last frame could be the Hulk deflating from the air pressure within the marshmallow. Not sure, but something to toy with.

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