Sunday, June 21, 2009

Time Travel Destination

First random idea or question of my blog! Came up in a conversation with a few buddies of mine:

If you had to choose, would you go forwards or backwards in time and why? (for the record a random one-shot trip)

I'd have to say forwards. I am a fan of history and enjoy studying and speculating as to what happened, why and all that; but I am just as interested in the possibilities of the future. I'm intriqued by the assumtion of aliens, space travel, etc. In my own humble opinion the human race has become stagnant for the most part in the 21st century. In the 20th we invented, evolved, and damn-near perfected flight, automotive, computers, etc. Now that we've gotten those you see how little has changed in say...the last 25 years.

Ok I need to work on length and depth of articles but its a WIP.

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