Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Frustrated with DA's pic limit

DeviantArt's 1000 pic per search limit has finally pissed me off more than I can idly sit by and stomach. I was looking for a VERY unique combination of very common words and phrases and kept hitting the limit with nothing to show for it. I browsed the forums innocently enough looking for one that met my needs at the time and found a few similar 'request-style' threads in GenChat. Well I get somewhere around 12 hours of asshats that really needed to troll-skulk on back to 4chan and another 2-3 decent, helpful sentiments.

Anyway if anyone happens to come across this, I'm still on the lookout (until you see "Tempest"'s bio posted).

I'm looking to redesign/revamp a Dungeons & Dragon's Longtooth Shifter. My DM(s) and I are in agreement that it wouldn't fit to be a lazy [artistically] dog-head. So we've compromised with a humanoid appearance and cannine features.

Repeat: NO 'blantant/lazy' dog head

By our reckoning, shifters are said to be lycanthropes with more feral features than their were-* cousins. They're also permanently in this state without the monthly recovery period.

i.e. teeth, eyes, body hair, *slightly* exaggerated features ( skull, muscles, etc), but distinctively humanoid--otherwise it'd just be a gnoll.